“Soulmates: (Not) Found” is an immersive and interactive experience exploring the implications of Artificial Intelligence on human life and one of its most enigmatic concepts - the soul.
The story:
To decrease growing alienation among humans, scientists have developed an algorithm that helps people find their ultimate platonic soulmates. The technology is now being implemented in public spaces in its test-flight mode and is led by artificial intelligence (AI).
You find yourself on board the first AI-rlines, opting in to participate in the experiment. Along with your fellow passengers, you will be put through a series of social experiments, devised by the digital mind using centuries of scientific study and, occasionally, classical poetry. Will you find your soulmate(s) beside you? It’s up to you and a (questionably) soulless AI pilot.
In this light-hearted interactive play, you'll be presented with deep philosophical questions, reflect on programming glitches and, in the end, witness the theatre and AI technology come together to send a message to humanity.
Genre: immersive, interactive, experimental, AI
Writer, Director: Natalia Yandyganova
Producer: Joyce Lao
Co-producers: Sabrina Morabito, Anna Bredikhina
"We are not a cult. We serve science and civil aviation."
- AI Pilot, Aida
This project is Fiscally Sponsored by 501(c)(3) New York Foundation for The Arts and has a non-profit status. It is also an introduction to our "The Waiting Room" Series.
Premiere: August 3rd, West Port Oracle, Edinburgh, United Kingdom